Sometimes extraction is necessary and could be caused by a number of reasons such as advanced gum disease, severe decay, or the tooth is broken and cannot be fixed. For an extraction, the doctor will use a local anesthetic to numb the tooth, jaw, and gums surrounding it. This way you won’t feel pain, but you may feel pressure. Once the tooth is removed it is important for a blood clot to form so that the healing process can begin. You will be required to bite down on gauze for 30-45 minutes after the procedure in order to do this. Once the clot has formed it is important not to do anything that could dislodge it–such as sucking on straws, smoking, drinking alcohol, and brushing next to the extraction site for 72 hours.
You may experience some pain and swelling after the extraction which can be mitigated by gently applying an ice pack to the affected area as well as taking prescribed medication. Any pain usually subsides after 48 hours. A diet of soft foods for the first 72 hours is recommended. If you can have questions or concerns about the procedure afterwards, you are always welcome to contact our office for advice. If you have heavy bleeding, severe pain, continued swelling for 2-3 days, or a reaction to the medication, call our office immediately.
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